“My generation broke with tradition so that dance would cease to be so elitist”

Àngels Margarit

Àngels Margarit (Terrassa, 1960) is an internationally renowned dancer, choreographer and instructor who has lent her artistic experience to the direction of the Tensdansa festival in...

Noia llegint a Wattpad
Wattpad: Another way to read

The Wattpad phenomenon has revolutionised the publishing world. Young women writers are making it big on this platform, first online and then in bookshops. Their books, covering a...

“Sometimes I think the best work is handwritten”

Enric Casasses

Poetry permeates Enric Casasses’ entire oeuvre. Having passed the age of seventy and with a succession of books and prizes, the poet talks about his published work and the work that has...

The struggle surrounding street and square names in democratic Barcelona

The changes made to the names of the city’s streets and squares are a reflection of each municipal mandate. By action or omission, the names of streets and squares speaks volumes about...

Retrat d'Antoni Vila Casas © Flaminia Pelazzi
“The spirit of patronage has been very much lost, and that saddens me”

Antoni Vila Casas

Antoni Vila Casas (Barcelona, 1930) has long donated part of his fortune to philanthropic projects. The foundation he set up has two directions: in the social-health-related...

Visitants fullejant els llibres exposats a un estand de la 40a edició de Comic Barcelona. © Edu Bayer
Barcelona, capital of comics. Who’s (still) afraid of manga?

We have had access to manga publications for more than thirty years. More and more international publishers are launching new comic collections in general and...

El periodista Josep Maria Huertas intenta el 1997 travessar el carrer de Lisboa enfangat, al barri de la Clota. © Pepe Encinas
'Cròniques del fang'. When journalists wandered the streets

Through the book Cròniques del fang [Mud Chronicles], Jaume Fabre pays a fitting tribute to the journalist Josep Maria Huertas Claveria and the journalism named after...

Recorregut amb pilotes gegants creat per l’artista Albert Gusi en col·laboració amb el Centre Cívic de Navas i l’Associació de Memòria Històrica del barri. © Albert Gusi
Redesigning the city’s cultural fabric

In 2021, Barcelona City Council adopted a Cultural Rights Plan designed to strengthen social cohesion through the recognition of the right to cultural practices, and to promote...

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