Open cityOpening up the city, rethinking the city

The change in era we’re currently experiencing is altering many of the values, conceptual schemes and balances upon which post-war Europe was built. The “Ciutat Oberta” (Open City)...

Open cityBuilding Harmonies: Toward a Choral Architect

Although people know what they need and want, yet architecture spins into navel-gazing and drifts farther and farther from the possibility of substantive contribution to the communities...

Open cityCommitment and collective action

Emancipatory political transformation doesn’t just require certain political and legal tools (such as well-established democratic institutions or certain material conditions), but also...

Open cityThe (global) city’s not for me

The large global metropolis embodies the spirit of our era, while small and medium-sized deindustrialized cities are sceptical about the future, with nostalgia for a past they identify...

Open cityHow much urban democracy can global capitalism stand?

Three decades of neoliberal deregulation from the wild side of the market have impeded and disfigured opportunities for urban democracy and have seized the city from its people. In spite...

An elderly couple sitting on a bench looking at a pond
Open city‘Ligatios’ and ‘obligatios’: ties in an open city

The space we inhabit, the environment that surrounds us, shapes our behaviour and everything about us: our character, our ethos. That’s what ethics is about. It isn’t just about...

Building city and citizenship

Barcelona Metròpolis takes on a new era with a new format, a new design and a new digital space. The new Barcelona Metròpolis wants to be a tool for...

Llibre: Periodisme malgrat tot, Jaume Fabre
Grey journalism

Fabre is one the journalists who best knows his city. He wrote a splendid doctoral thesis on 1939 Barcelona and played a decisive role in safeguarding the memory of...

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