The impacts of artificial intelligenceThe ignorance of algorithms and new synthetic realities

Artificial intelligence technologies are an expression of who we are. When everything is possible, what do we decide to do? This is a perfect technology for both creation and...

​Històries de la Model
'Històries de la Model' [Stories of La Model Prison], voices of a century of changes

The documentary comic book by Jordi de Miguel and Susanna Martín explores the history of the Barcelona prison and the experiences of some of its inmates.

Arcadi Oliveres
A compilation of the pacifist legacy of Arcadi Oliveres

Arcadi Oliveres (1945-2021) was many things: teacher, inspirational figure, activist, writer, peace researcher, tireless lecturer, agitator of minds, etc., but, when it came to...

Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook. City diplomacy in times of conflict

Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook’s academic and professional career is in the purest Atlanticist tradition. Specialising in the interface between foreign policy and cities, she is an...

El periodista Josep Maria Huertas intenta el 1997 travessar el carrer de Lisboa enfangat, al barri de la Clota. © Pepe Encinas
'Cròniques del fang'. When journalists wandered the streets

Through the book Cròniques del fang [Mud Chronicles], Jaume Fabre pays a fitting tribute to the journalist Josep Maria Huertas Claveria and the journalism named after...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureSmart, sustainable and ethical cities

Artificial intelligence systems will become more and more affordable, will become a key decision-making factor and will facilitate the management of urban complexity. The major challenge...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureWho writes the rules of the capitalist game?

The capitalist game is about employing a social resource – the legal system – for private gain. It is played in the service of private actors, but the decisive actors are not the players...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureDemocracy, sovereignty and territory: Squaring the circle

How do democracy, sovereignty and territory relate to one another? The ownership and exercise of sovereignty make...

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