Open cityHow much urban democracy can global capitalism stand?

Three decades of neoliberal deregulation from the wild side of the market have impeded and disfigured opportunities for urban democracy and have seized the city from its people. In spite...

Retrat d'Itziar González © Pere Virgili
‘Rescuing the Rambla is a must’

Itziar González

The city seemed to have lost its most genuine promenade for ever, or at least that’s what a lot of people thought. The Km_Zero team won the ideas competition to improve the Rambla with a...

Llibre: Nazis a Barcelona. L’esplendor feixista de postguerra (1939-1945)
Catalonia, soiled

No book had previously managed to describe the extent to which the support for fascism manifested itself visually, both officially and in the popular arena. Nazis a Barcelona ...

Retrat de Simona Levi © Pere Virgili
Positive passion for changing our reality

Simona Levi, playwright and activist

Digital technology has changed society, but there is still a long way to go. As part of the Xnet action group, Simona Levi works to improve democracy in the digital age and to make...

Il·lustració. Retrat de Claude Lefort © Guillem Cifré
The legacy of Claude Lefort

Lefort discovered in the foundations of totalitarianism the representation of the people-as-one; he described a regime that tries to deny that division is a constituent of society. By...


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