© Paola de Grenet
The Land Use Plan for Ciutat Vella: Protecting community life

Since 1992, different Land Use Plans have been implemented in Ciutat Vella to regulate economic activities and urban planning licences. The most recent one, approved in 2017, places an...

Persones caminant entre les parades de llibres el dia de Sant Jordi del 2018. © Vicente Zambrano
Sant Jordi versus coronavirus. Rescue bookshops and save books

23 April 2020. Like every year, Sant Jordi [St. George] has to slay the dragon, but this year the story has taken a different path and the enemy has mutated into a virus that cannot be...

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicAntivirals for the new political times

The coronavirus pandemic, despite the economic impact that many predict, will not generate a widespread crisis of disaffection such as the one triggered by the Great Recession if...

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicThe contradictions of an undecided democracy

The reaction that countries have in the wake of the coronavirus crisis will reveal a great deal about the sort of democracy they have. Weak democracies will repeal civil rights and...

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicWhat will the world be like after the crisis?

The coronavirus crisis will not mean the end of globalisation or of European integration, but an incentive to configure them differently. In the wake of crises there are lessons learned...

Un moment de l’espectacle de dansa i poesia visual #14::SKYLINE_EXTENDED:: creat per Kònic Thtr. © Kònic Thtr
The digital arts, a field open to creation

From the art world, new technologies —and especially present-day digital technologies— have always been a field for research and experimentation, as well as for critique and reflection....

Llibres: Educar, per a què?, Joan Buades - Devaluación continua, Andreu Navarra
Navarra and Buades: two vital voices in today’s education sector

We sometimes get the impression that in many ways, teaching is not evolving but is adrift, and that we are still far behind. These two books speak with knowledge, with realism and from...

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