SubjectPublic administration

Place of birth and social origin are the two variables that most determine the opportunities for young people in Catalonia. Today, Catalan society is a multicultural community with many...

The weak post-crisis recovery has left a polarised scenario in its wake, with an evident impoverishment of the middle and working classes. Digitisation will continue to alter the...

Coinciding with her distinction with the Premi d’Honor de les Lletres Catalanes 2019, Marta Pessarrodona (Terrassa, 1941) has just published Variacions profanes [Profane...

Julio Muñoz Ramonet, the invisible prince of the black market, left his palace on Carrer de Muntaner to the city of Barcelona, along with the extraordinary collection of art that hung...

Classed as green areas by the General Metropolitan Plan, the small neighbourhoods of Satalia and Font de la Guatlla have long lived under the threat of expropriation and demolition. In...

In the face of the post-crisis neoliberal siren calls, crying out for individual responsibility, civil society has organized itself to provide a collective response to the consequences...

Economic inequality is conducive to individualism. Living in unequal societies makes us more concerned about our social position; the greater the difference, the further the distance...

The economic crisis has widened the gaps (labour, generation, gender and fiscal) that contribute to exacerbating inequality. If societies continue to increase these divides and the...
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