Concert "Coàgul: Hipercoàgul Octanari"


Escenari Fàbrica

Hipercoàgul Octanari



Coàgul is an industrial music project started in 2009 by the artist Marc O'Callaghan Selva (Barcelona, 1988). The notion of movement in his project is the condensing of essential archetypes of specific universal ideas, expressed through traditional symbols that can be transposed to any disciplinary medium. Every piece, or "coàgul”, is intended to unify one of these ideas to momentarily recreate it in its maximum expression. Hipercoàgul Octanari will be a coagulation of coagulations: Twenty-four old Coàgul songs concentrated into a single monolithic coagulation, divided into eight parts. Each part corresponds to a specific universal archetypal idea, reflected by the nuance of the set of elements that make up the bulk of the layers: the base note, diatonic mode, sampling, bell chimes... Each part contains the lyrics from three old Coàgul songs chosen according to the topics corresponding to the archetype of the part where each one is inserted. The structure is based on the Circle of Fifths by the ethnomusicologist Marius Schneider.

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    • C Sant Adrià, 20
    • Sant Andreu
    • Sant Andreu
    • 08030 Barcelona

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