La directora Neus Ballús (a l’esquerra) i la muntadora Ariadna Ribas (a la dreta) amb els premis Gaudí que van rebre per la pel·lícula Sis dies corrents. © Acadèmia del Cinema Català - Manu de León / White Horse
Women in the audiovisual industry. Flash in the pan or rising trend

The number of female filmmakers has been burgeoning in the past few years. The presence of female directors, screenwriters, producers, and so on, is growing in the audiovisual...

Retrat d'Elvira Dyangani Ose. © Álex Losada
“We must take responsibility for changing so that the world changes too”

Elvira Dyangani Ose

Photographers claim that some people make the camera fall in love. If that’s true, Elvira Dyangani Ose is one of those people. Those in high-ranking positions do not usually...

Barcelona Metròpolis 123 - Bretxes digitals
The year of the buffalo never ends

Javier Pérez Andújar’s latest novel, El año del Búfalo [The Year of the Buffalo], is an astronomical novel because it is the work of someone who has spent years taking...

A l'esquerra, Ricard Giralt Miracle al seu taller (1990). © Joan Sánchez / Arxiu Giralt Miracle. ​A la dreta, autoretrat d’Enric Tormo durant el muntatge de l’exposició de Joan Miró a les Galeries Laietanes (1949).
Two (hidden) artists behind a machine

The extraordinary work and cultural life of Ricard Giralt Miracle and Enric Tormo take centre stage in two books that recognise their contributions as pioneers in the graphic...

Retrat de Clàudia Cedó. © Paula Jaume Sánchez
‘The ones learning the most aren’t the actors with a disability, but rather the audience’

Clàudia Cedó

Clàudia Cedó’s (Banyoles, 1983) relationship with the city of Barcelona can be traced by mapping out the theatres where her plays have been premièred. This playwright, director and...

Mural amb el text "Revolution on off" al Passeig de la Vall d'Hebrón. © Carlota Serarols
Winning on merit

The pandemic has taken its toll on the cultural sector, especially in areas that require in-person audiences, like theatre and music. Artists have had no choice but to apply for grants...

Retrat de 31 FAM. © Arxiu DELIRICS
The urban music, a generational scream

In recent years, Barcelona and its wider metropolitan area have hosted and witnessed a predominantly young, stylistically evolving movement that has captured generational concerns and...

Dos bustos amb passamontanyes (un vermell i un blau) exposats a la mostra La màscara no menteix al CCCB. © Martí E. Berenguer
A mask is just as human as a face

La màscara no menteix mai [The Mask Never Lies], the exhibition at the CCCB curated by Servando Rocha and Jordi Costa, displays an exhaustive inventory of the...

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