CategoryCulture Folder

Catalan museum heritage has largely been built thanks to private collectors. This is the case of the collection belonging to the textile businessman Rafael Tous, the founder of Metrònom...

During the long months of the pandemic we’ve had enough of claiming and asserting that culture is safe. We have reduced venue capacity, we have adapted schedules to curfews, we have...

Barcelona is furnished with the conditions and the talents to become a benchmark for technological humanism. At a time when the European model for the ethics of algorithms, citizens’...

Over a short time, we have been caught in the throes of a dystopia almost without realising it: a global pandemic, lockdowns at home, devastating fires, drone strikes... In the midst of...

As a rule, the word sustainability in relation to food is understood to be linked to the concepts of local, seasonal, organic, fresh produce and even generates limited waste....

Climate change is the major political, social and cultural challenge of our time, but it also constitutes a major challenge for science and technology. The City and Science Biennial,...

We are a bar culture. Every generation, every scene, has had its own, and each of these bars deserves a book like this one, because its history is the history of the collective...

In La casa de foc [The House of Fire], Francesc Serés immerses us in the landscape of La Garrotxa, an antediluvian and terrestrial setting that plays host to characters who see...
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