Mamut completes the trilogy of novels written by Eva Baltasar, following Permagel (Club Editor, 2018, published in English as Permafrost by And Other Stories, 2021) and Boulder...
Barcelona meant a lot to Antonio Machado, who arrived in the city in April 1938 with some family members. Testimony to those days lie in his numerous contentious articles published in...
In La casa de foc [The House of Fire], Francesc Serés immerses us in the landscape of La Garrotxa, an antediluvian and terrestrial setting that plays host to characters who see...
Luis Cabrera
Thanks to his tenacity, his personal rebelliousness and his untameable nature, Luis Cabrera (Arbuniel, Jaén, 1954) has been weaving an abundantly rich life story that he now explains in...
Does the burning of rubbish bins as a form of protest on the streets of Barcelona correspond to flames of social revolt that evoke the spirit of the Rose of Fire? Or, on the contrary, do...
Angela Davis embodies the revolutionary fascination and the nostalgia for remote struggles. She has an innate ability to translate complex thoughts into slogans for the public at large...
Perucho the pop editor is who is described in Joan Perucho i les edicions pop. L’aventura de Tàber [Joan Perucho and Pop Editions. Tàber’s Adventure]. This book, published by...
Encants i miralls de Barcelona is a dream come true for its authors, the photographer Rafael Vargas and the writer Victoria Bermejo. Rarely, and without planning, can a project...
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