Apel·les Mestres, a complete artist and multifaceted man

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Apel·les Mestres

Apel·les Mestres, a complete artist and multifaceted man

A travelling exhibition consisting of fourteen sections in seventeen foldable and easy-to-install panels, which cover Apel·les Mestres' main artistic and intimate facets: sketcher, illustrator, musician, songbook collector, friend, group-discussion speaker, playwright, bibliomaniac, graphic designer, poet, folklorist, figurine designer, gardener and traveller. The exhibition is illustrated with sketches, photographs, portraits, caricatures, figurines, etc. and quotes from Apel·les Mestres and other authors. A book by Montserrat Garrich which complements the exhibition has been published. Stemming from the same project, the Esbart Català de Dansaires has also published a sound recording of Cançons per la mainada.