Festa major de la Prosperitat

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

First week in June


La Prosperitat has its origins in the 1920s and 30s, when the city experienced a period of growth. So you can still see buildings from the first quarter of the 20th century there. Whatever the reason, it is an area that has always had an active commercial life.

The neighbourhood celebrates a big festa major in the second half of May, with activities for everyone over the fortnight. Among others, these include a havanera concert, a big correfoc, concerts, dances, communal meals, sports tournaments, talks and children's entertainment.

About festivities


Cantada d’havaneres. Every year neighbourhood residents organise a havanera concert, an afternoon of traditional music, laughter and rom cremat (burnt rum) for everyone there.

Correfoc. The Grup de Foc de Nou Barris lead this big fire run, which takes place on the last day of the festival. It starts off with a tabalada of drums and, straight after that, the diables (devils) set off, lighting up the main streets and squares in the neighbourhood. At the end there is a castell de focs artificials, a firework display that marks the end of the festival until the following year.

Supplementary information