Festa major de les Roquetes

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

Third week in June


Les Roquetes lies at the foot of a hill with the same name, between the Ronda de Dalt ring road and the Collserola range. The neighbourhood, characterised by its steep inclines, grew up in the 1950s with the arrival of immigrant workers from the rest of Spain. In view of the lack of housing, the newcomers started to build there own homes. Over the last few decades there have been lots of improvements in the quality of housing and urban facilities, so, today, local residents enjoy all the necessary services.

In the third week of June the Comissió de Festa Major de les Roquetes puts on a big programme of activities, in collaboration with other organisations, neighbourhood residents and local traders. Throughout that week the most central streets and squares hold musical events, communal meals, theatrical performances, sports tournaments, workshops, talks and dances.

Supplementary information


Comissió de Festa Major.