Illustration ©Octavi Serra
The day after it allExhuming memory

As part of the Exhumar la memoria [Exhuming Memory] project, a team of archaeologists is attempting to locate...

Audience seated outside Can Felipa attending the talk "Desglobalisation?"  © Imatges Barcelona / Xavi Torrent
From country estates and stately homes to community centres

Community centres, which celebrated their fortieth anniversary two years ago, represent the city’s most extensive network of public cultural spaces. They offer a...

© Fundació “la Caixa”
A sequence shot delving into the more personal side of Luis García-Berlanga

A photograph of Luis García-Berlanga at the now-closed Bodega Bohemia greets us as we enter the exhibition Interior Berlanga. Cinema, vida i humor...

Audience at the opening event of the Grec Festival 2023. © Images Barcelona / Paula Jaume
Analogue critics, digital promoters. Has cultural criticism become obsolete?

The profound technological shift and changing patterns of cultural consumption have fundamentally shaken the role of journalists and cultural critics, reshaping their identity...

© Ferran Forné
“I don’t want women to feel they have to change their bodies to get work; I refuse to accept that”

Clara Segura

We are at the Library of Catalonia, beneath the impressive 15th-century arches and surrounded by a striking series of theatre posters. Among these stones, Clara Segura has...

Amnesia-Memory installation by Francesc Torres, honouring thirteen guerrilla fighters. © MACBA Collection. On loan from the Generalitat Government of Catalonia. National Photography Collection.
“Pulling back the curtain” on the official Francoist history

This is not a conventional catalogue. In addition to reviewing the works in the exhibition Un altre fi. La resta. Art i antifranquisme [Another End. The Remainder. Art and...

The passion for publishing in Catalan

“If you ask people on the street what an editor does, they’re not quite sure; they often think you’re a printer or a bookseller. It’s not a widely known profession.” Maria...

© Miquel Muñoz
"You’ll find far more people who can talk knowledgeably about football than about polítics"

John Carlin

When we sit down at the table, I can’t help but think that the man in front of me has interviewed both Nelson Mandela and Lionel Messi. It’s impressive. “The Messi interview was...

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