El visor d'una càmera de fotografia digital.  © Goroka. Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Stories and cities

Major cities are always accompanied by a story that promotes them in the world. In the culture corner debate we analyse why the crisis endured by the audiovisual...

Illustration © Sonia Alins

1. At the crack of dawn, when I go out on my motorbike, a long tailback forms at the exit to my town, between the Citroën garage and the motorway’s incline, but it...

Retrat de Clara Peya © Dani Codina
“I feel much freer in music, playing the piano, than in life”

Clara Peya

Seeing Clara Peya (1983) on stage, sitting in front of the piano, is an unforgettable experience. She approaches it, surrendering her body and her soul to a new...

Llibre: Barcelona pròxima, Andreu Ulied
“Retro-progressivism” and in praise of technocracy

Barcelona pròxima, besides bestowing high praise on technocracy, is an urban planning manual, an intellectual biography, a compendium of urban history, a...

Llibre: La ciutat interrompuda, Julia Guillamon
Helpless Barcelona

La ciutat interrompuda made its appearance in 2001 with this summary: “From the tortured city of the 1970s to the fun city of postmodernity, to the tourist...

Exposició: Víctor Papanek. La política del disseny, DHUB
Design as a political tool

Viennese designer and activist Victor Papanek was one of the twentieth century’s most influential harbingers of social activism and sustainability in design. The...

Llibre: La ciutat interrompuda, Julia Guillamon
A story of its own

The FEMINISMS! exhibition at the CCCB [Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona], curated by Gabriele Schor and Marta Segarra, is a show not to be missed...

Illustration © Eva Vázquez. A fish looks at its reflection in a fish tank from the outside. The inside the fish bowl features a cityscape and a boy on a bicycle.
Debbie and Humbert

Debbie and Humbert got married on the same day that Ibiza died. Carla found the turtle with her head inside her shell and her legs stretched out. Her friends...

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