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Barcelona cultura

This information applies to Grec 2024 shows scheduled at the following venues: Teatre Grec, Teatre Lliure, Mercat de les Flors, Teatre CCCB and La Paloma.


Buying tickets


Where can I buy tickets?

You can buy tickets online from the Festival’s website, www.festivalgrec.barcelona, in person at the Oficina Ciutadana de la Cultura (OCCU) (Palau de la Virreina, La Rambla, 99, 08002 - Barcelona) Monday to Friday, from 10.15 am to 8.15 pm, and from ticket desks at the performance venues (open on the days of the performance at least one hour before the show begins).

I’ve encountered a problem with the online ticket-purchasing process

If you made the purchase online from the Festival's website www.festivalgrec.barcelona, you will need to contact us by sending an email to grec@intellitickets.com, the address of the company managing our ticket-sale system, or or you can call: 936 099 810 

Emails offer the quickest response possible, depending on the volume of inquiries or incidents. You can also check your spam box in your email account in case our response arrived there.

How can I register with the ticket-sale website?

The Festival’s ticket-sale website include a client account, where all the purchased tickets are stored. During the purchase process you will need to register to access this space.

If you've already made online purchases at previous editions of the Festival, you’ll have to enter the same email address you provided at the time, press ‘Forget your password?’ and then follow the instructions.

If this is the first time you’re purchasing online, you will have to provide all the data requested and follow the instructions up to the completion of the purchase.

Why do you have to provide data during the purchase process?

Registering enables us to send tickets to your email address, create a personal space for storing your purchases, protect against computer fraud and offer services such as the possibility of reprinting tickets. In the event of cancellations, delays or changes to shows, notifications will be sent preferably by email. We can use mobile telephones if we detect that the email address provided during the purchase experiences an error in receiving notifications. Postcodes and ages, sex, dates of birth and nationalities are used purely as statistical data. In addition, you will have the last word over the option of whether or not to receive information on the Festival. If you prefer not to receive such information, all you need to do is leave the corresponding option unticked during the purchase process.

I’ve lost or forgotten my password. How can I recover it?

If you have lost or forgotten your password, click on ‘Connect’ in press ‘Forget your password?’ section and we’ll email you the instructions on how to create a new one.

How can I amend the data from my account?

You can amend your account’s personal data from by accessing the ‘Profile’, section in your client account.

How can I print my tickets?

To help reduce the use of paper, we recommend you carry your ticket in digital format, whenever possible. Once your order is completed, you will receive, at the email address provided, a confirmation email with the QR code to access the show, and a link to your tickets. To access the venue all you need to do is open the attached document in your mobile device and show it to the festival staff so they can scan it.

Can I bring digital-format tickets on my mobile?

For all shows for which tickets are sold on the Festival’s official ticket sale website, you can access the corresponding venue by showing your digital-format ticket on your mobile. Tickets will also be available from the ‘My tickets’   section in the sales website’s client account.

Do children have to pay to attend shows?

Usually, for children under the age of 3, admission in free, but they are not entitled to a seat. Consult the specific recommendations for each show.

If I am unable to attend the show, what can I do?

No exchanges or refunds will be accepted. Tickets are unnamed and can be used by anyone. Where a ticket has been sold at a discount, the person who ultimately uses it will have to meet the same criteria that entitled the user to the discount.

If I am entitled to a discount but I bought the ticket at its normal price, will you refund me the difference?

No exchanges or refunds are allowed once tickets have been purchased.

I have not received an email with my tickets. What should I do?

Check your spam / junk mail folder. Emails from sale systems may end up there. If you are unable to find the email, check the ‘My tickets’  section in your client account; if you completed the purchase process for your ticket, your ticket will be stored there. Check your bank account too, to see if you have been charged for the ticket purchase, before you attempt to buy any tickets again. That way you will avoid any possible purchase duplications.

If your bank account has been charged for the purchase but you cannot find your tickets, please email us at grec@intellitickets.com.

Please note: If you tried to make a purchase but did not complete it, your bank may retain the ticket cost for a given period of time. If you did not complete the purchase, this cost should be returned to your account within a few minutes.

Can I change my tickets?

Purchasing a ticket implies acceptance of the terms and conditions; once a ticket has been purchased it cannot be exchanged or refunded, except where the show has been postponed (check what to do in the event of a postponement).

What should I do in the event of a postponement?

Should the organisers have to change a show’s scheduled venue or date because of a force majeure event, purchasers will be emailed the instructions they need to follow for exchanging their tickets. Should the new venue or day not be suitable for the spectator, or should a show be cancelled before it starts, the cost of the ticket will be refunded at the place it was purchased from, as from 24 hours following the date of cancellation and up to one month after the date on which the show was meant to have taken place. Refunds are not available for shows cancelled more than 30 minutes after they have started.

I’ve got a gift voucher. How can I redeem it?

Visit this page for the instructions to redeem your voucher.




How can I find out how long the show is?

You can check how long a show is from its file.

The duration of the shows is that stated by the company during the rehearsal period. Once this period has ended, the show's duration may, in some cases, differ from the one mentioned.

Can I see a show’s availability online?

Yes. If you select the show, day and performance, a map of the hall will be displayed showing you the available seats.

If I arrive late at the theatre, will I be able to access the theatre hall?

As a sign of respect for the artists and audience, anyone arriving late for a show will be unable to access their seat until the right moment during the performance, as indicated by the person in charge at the venue.
No access to theatre halls is allowed for shows that have no interval. Audience members who arrive late may not be able to access their seats in venues with numbered seats.

Will I be able to smoke, eat or drink within the Teatre Grec’s seating area?

You cannot smoke or bring food there but you can take a drink (so long as it is not in a glass container).

Can I keep my mobile with me during the show?

Mobiles must be switched off and should not emit any light. Putting them in silent mode is not sufficient. Noise and light from mobiles are a nuisance to both the company and the audience. Anyone failing to abide by this rule will be asked to leave the venue.

Can I take photographs or record the show on video?

No photographs or recordings are allowed during shows, except when the theatre very occasionally gives its consent. Anyone failing to abide by this rule will be asked to leave the venue.

Why can tickets be found for shows that have already sold out?

All events include a series of exceptional cases: tickets for the company that are allocated by contract, tickets intended for wheelchair users, spaces for technical controls etc. Some of these tickets may end up unused and put on sale.

Is there any transport available to me after a show at the Teatre Grec?

A free bus service will be laid on for members of the audience leaving Teatre Grec when the show finishes and through to 1 am from Sundays to Thursdays, linking the Teatre Grec with Plaça d’Espanya, Plaça de la Universitat and, lastly, Plaça de Catalunya.




Assistance for people with disabilities

Call us on 933 161 000 and we will provide you with information and advice on the venues’ accessibility.

People with reduced mobility

All Teatre Grec shows offer places reserved for people with reduced mobility, at the back of the theatre, (outside the usual seating); such audiences will enjoy a 50% discount, which will also apply to anyone accompanying them. Check out the specific locations on the ticket purchase plan for each show.

As for the other shows with available places reserved for people with reduced mobility, these places are included within the usual seating with prices at their general rates. Check out the specific locations on the ticket purchase plan for each show.

You can consult the accessibility of all the venues from this website.

People with impaired hearing

Some seats at the Teatre Grec and all seats at the Teatre Lliure - Sala Fabià Puigserver and Mercat de les Flors (Sala MAC) have magnetic loops. Tickets for the Teatre Grec can be purchased from OCCU, at telephone number 933 161 000, or at tiquetrambles@bcn.cat.

Parking for people with disabilities at the Teatre Grec

People with reduced mobility can arrive by car up to the access point to the lift, enabling entry to the Teatre Grec. Free parking in the allocated area, until full. Parking available starting at 8 pm on show days.