Adaptability: How to create hope for your business

Man doing acrobatics

Change is happening 400 times faster than when your grandparents worked, so your parents probably had no clue how to prepare you for rapid change, let alone the stress and anxiety that come with it. There are three steps to collaborating with change so that you come out on top. 

Adaptability is the ability to adjust and respond to changes outside of oneself. Adaptability IQ is essential for entrepreneurs because it gives them a competitive advantage over others – as the saying goes, “adapt or die”.

In this highly interactive, fun and dynamic workshop, you’ll learn about tools that can help you to measure your hope, mindset and mental flexibility. You’ll also discover if you need to unlearn skills that may be keeping you inside the box and afraid to launch a new project.


- Practise the 3 Steps of Adaptability IQ in small groups.

- Learn the one word that can change your life, because nothing has ever been created by saying “yes, but”.

- Identify through improvisation and #outofthebox experiences the areas where you feel stuck and tips on how to be bold and successful. 


Workshop run by Jessica Breitenfeld

Jessica is a five-time national public speaking champion and was named Top Female Speaker in Europe 2022 by Toastmasters.

She is a change management speaker from Canada who has lived in Barcelona for the past nine years. She is vice president of the Barcelona Women’s Network and founder of the Premier Women’s Speaking Club. She is also a Gestalt therapist specialising in #boundaries.


Free, in-person workshop. Prior registration required. 

Space is limited. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Sala Emprèn, Glòries Entrepreneurship Centre
    Carrer de la Llacuna 162
  • 05/06/2024
    6 pm - 8 pm
  • English