Barcelona Talent-ed Summit

The Barcelona Talent-ed Summit is created to highlight all the aspects that Barcelona has as a talent magnet, not only because of the city's 360-degree offer, but also because it is highly regarded among large companies with ambitious projects that have been generated both from Barcelona to the world and vice versa; for its charm, unique offer and interest as a meeting point for talent and as a generator of trust at an international level.




  • 10:00 - 10:15h. Official opening.

  • 10:15 - 10:45h. Presentation: Insights on latest talent and hiring trends in Barcelona post Covid. An international talent recruitment company will share the top key insights into Barcelona's hiring trends, the type of talent companies are looking for, the most required positions, the new skills needed after COVID and other talent indicators.
  • 10:45 - 11:05h. Capsule 1: The new post-Covid economy and European funds: an opportunity for resilient talent. The current environment and the arrival of European funds create a blue ocean of opportunities for both companies and individuals that increases the opportunities for growth and projection of the city and its inhabitants.
  • 11:05 - 11:50h. 1st round table. Barcelona start-ups hiring international talent and projecting the city to the world. A pleasant chat with company executives that were born in Barcelona and have contributed with new ideas that are already revolutionary in the world. What do certain people have in common that are definitely changing some aspects of the way we act as a society? What was the role that this city played in the development of these great ideas?
  • 11:50 a 12:30h. Coffee Break / Networking.

  • 12:30 - 12:45h. Capsule 2. Presentation of the Barcelona International Welcome Desk. The Barcelona International Welcome Desk is the new support service for international talent who want to come and live in the city or who have recently settled here, consisting on an in-person attention desk and an online attention service. The aim is to ease people’s arrival and establishment in Barcelona, so that they can develop their full professional and personal potential.
  • 12:45 - 13:30h 2nd round table. Large companies from the rest of the world hiring international and local talent. The companies that, due to their impact, transform the world market, will offer us their vision of the city and what makes the professionals who live in it competitive. They will share what are the post-COVID trends and needs, as well as the new roles that are and will be necessary in this new professional path.
  • 13:30 – 13:35h Take aways and closings.



MediaTic Building

C/ de Roc Boronat, 117, 2nd floor

08018 Barcelona


Free registration at Barcelona International Community digital platform.



  • MediaTic Building
    c/ de Roc Boronat, 117, 2nd floor
  • 30/11/2021
  • English