Innovation hubs in Barcelona: best practices for attracting talent

Barcelona is home to around one hundred specialised centres which, through innovation, technology and development, offer business functions, services and solutions to their companies at a global or regional scale. Establishing these hubs entails recruiting qualified local and international talent from different fields and specialities.

According to data from a recent study, Barcelona's innovation hubs provide work for more than 15,000 professionals, and of these, 38% are from overseas, mostly from Europe and South America.  While the average number of nationalities in a hub is 18, some of the bigger hubs have teams with people from more than 60 different countries.

In this round table we’ll get to know first-hand the reality of some of these hubs and, with the help of various experts, we will look at what's involved in recruiting and bringing international talent from other countries to Barcelona.

The aim is to share best practices so as to better manage the arrival of professionals from overseas, to explain the tools and support offered by the city and the professional services needed. It is crucial that these people have a good professional, personal and emotional landing in the city—this will enable them to develop all their potential from the moment they arrive and ensure they are able to integrate successfully.



9.30 h.            Institutional welcome and presentation of the Barcelona International Welcome Desk

  • Sr. Mario Rubert, Director of International Economic Promotion, Barcelona City Council
  • Sra. Judith Romera, International Talent Project Coordinator, Barcelona City Council

9.40 h.   Round table: New tendencies, challenges, and best practices for attracting international talent to digital hubs and facilitating their landing

Discussion on the demands and specific needs of international talent, and on the profile of overseas professionals when it comes to choosing Barcelona. What are the factors that attract people to the city, what are the arrival procedures and what are the challenges faced by digital hubs in terms of attracting and retaining these people? We will also share best practices, tips and support and integration services/programmes for new arrivals and their families (steps they need to take, formalities to be carried out, suitable planning, welcome services and professional services).

Moderated by:

  • Sr. Jesús María García Martínez, member of the board of Board of the Catalan Association of Human Resources - Aedipe Catalunya; UB and UOC professor.

10.45 h. Q & A

11.00 h. Coffee and networking

11.30 h. End of session





  • Auditorio del Cibernarium. Edificio Mediatic
    Carrer Roc Boronat, 117
  • 05/10/2023
    9.30h a 11.30h
  • Spanish