Seminar: Profesionales en Movilidad. Seamos imaginativos con el talento global


Until recently, when thinking about people working outside their home countries, the figure of the expatriate appeared. But more and more there are other types of moving workers, who adopt other more flexible forms and with less personal costs (vital project), as well as business (operational simplification).

Knowing the characteristics of these nomadic professionals is essential for the competitiveness of our organizations, since talent is the most valuable factor.

In Barcelona, ​​demand for certain profiles such as STEM talent (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) has increased a lot and it is difficult to cover some jobs.

Thus, companies make global searches to identify the best people, strive to create work environments, professional careers and attractive contracts. But the challenge does not end there: once they arrive, we must accompany these people in their adaptation process so they can develop their full potential.

In this seminar we will discuss the key issues to capture and retain talent in a global market and share good practices, resources and practical knowledge for companies.

This session is organized jointly by the City Promotion Department of the Barcelona City Council and the Fundació Factor Humà.

  • Sala Empren. Ground floor Glòries Business Incubator
    Carrer de la Llacuna, 162-164. 08018 BARCELONA
  • 01/10/2019
  • Spanish