© Laura Guerrero. Views of Barcelona from the sea to the mountains from Barcelona City Council's Novíssim building.
Culture, a tool for reconciling antagonism

Against the strength of the market, which spins people outside the city, culture can be a tool that helps them to overcome marginalities and puts them on equal...

Houses on the street Carrer de la Font Florida, in the Barcelona neighborhood of Font de la Guatlla. © Arianna Giménez
Who does the reversal of a public land designation affect? The cases of Satalia and Font de la Guatlla

Classed as green areas by the General Metropolitan Plan, the small neighbourhoods of Satalia and Font de la Guatlla have long lived under the threat of expropriation...

Il·lustració de diferents llocs de Barcelona: Sagrada Família, Camp Nou, torre Agbar © Astrid Ortiz
Tourism, between wealth and residents’ complaints

Barcelona receives more than 12 million visitors per year for both business and pleasure. The city is the location of one out of every three tourism companies in...

Portrait of Enric Montefusco © Dani Codina
“The most important struggle is the one you have within”

Enric Montefusco

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Dues vies de tranvia paral·leles es creuen en una bifurcació en el centre de la imatge. En l'extrem esquerre es veu un tranvia.
Building the metropolisMobility, a complex structural framework

The creation of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area marked a positive yet insufficient change in the governance of metropolitan mobility. We are facing a complex situation in which...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Quatre columnes amb capitells d'estil jònic de diferents alçades amb escales entre la part superior d'uns i altres. Sobre les columnes i en les escales diverses persones es miren, saluden o caminen.
Building the metropolisIn search of a metropolitan ‘demos’

Far from everyday use, the current consumption of urban space is eliminating the political functions and collective identity functions traditionals in public space. The...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Dues dones a l'interior d'un laberint fet de vegetació. Cadascuna es troba en un punt que no veu a l'altra i cadascuna talla les plantes amb un talla gespa.
Building the metropolisPublic policies against urban segregation

The trend towards the residential segregation of social groups is materialising, to varying degrees, in every town and city, ours too. The matter of socio-spatial inequalities...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Una carretera circular tancada com una pista de tren d'un joc infantil. Per l'interior hi passeja un home i un cotxe cap per avall. El tub d'escapament treu fum que alhora sembla que dibuixi un núvol.
Building the metropolisThe ring roads, yesterday and today

From the beginning, the ring roads defined a new urban reality that confirmed Barcelona’s change of scale, its transformation from a city to a ...

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