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Twelve Easter traditions from around the world

Easter is a religious period that is celebrated throughout the Christian world in a wide variety of ways. There are processions, pagan rituals, modern traditions, other strange traditions of uncertain origin... Do you want to know more?

‘Fer Pasqua abans de Rams’ plus 23 proverbs and sayings about Easter

Easter is one of the biggest festivals on the calendar so there are quite a few proverbs and sayings that describe it. Some talk about the celebrations, while others talk about food, how changeable the weather is and how it’s better if Easter is in...

What do we celebrate on Palm Sunday?

Why did people used to celebrate Palm Sunday so much. And what do palm leaves and branches have to do with final days in Jesus’ life?

Why Do Leap Years Exist?

A leap year adds an extra day to the calendar. Why? What day is added: the 24th or the 29th of February?

Vella Quaresma

Who is the Vella Quaresma?

The “Vella Quaresma” (Old Mother Lent) is a seven-legged woman with a cod and a basket who represents the period running up to Holy Week.

Fourth edition of Cod Route

Cod, the star of Lent cooking

Traditionally Lent has been represented as an old woman with seven legs, brandishing a salted cod in one hand and carrying a basket full of vegetables in the other. The produce she has in her hands give us lots of clues about what people eat around...