Plaça de la Virreina

Pl Virreina, 3

Many local residents still call it Plaça de Sant Joan, after the church that was built there in 1884. It lies at the junction of four streets, C/ Astúries, C/ Torrijos, C/ Església and C/ Santa Creu, and remains a peaceful square, an ideal setting for taking a drink at one of its café terraces.

A small-town spirit

Built in 1878 by the architect Josep Artigas, Plaça de la Virreina maintains its small-town spirit, thanks to the church and low-rise worker’s houses that can still be found on one side. The Sant Joan church, a very simple building, is from that period. You can still see the Modernista-style Santíssim chapel inside . At one end of the square there is a striking sculpture, Ruth, by Josep Maria Camps.

A square that gives pedestrians right of way

This is one of the favourite squares for Gràcia’s residents and it is always very crowded. Cars can only pass through on one side, so it is very peaceful. It is near Carrer de Torrijos, where you will find the Verdi Park cinema.

Urban spaces

  • Gràcia

    la Vila de Gràcia
Pl Virreina, 3
la Vila de Gràcia


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