Parc del Centre in Poblenou

Av Diagonal, 130

More than five hectares of greenery dominated by plants native to the Mediterranean.

This is a spectacular space where every piece of vegetation and urban furniture plays a dual role, practical and decorative. An example of this can be seen in the various types of light points cleverly integrated into the different spaces, which not only highlight the design and vegetation but also provide cause for admiration themselves, in the form of censers, hangers or metallic spheres left on the ground. Censers that act as plant pots and other original, vertical, flower stands contribute to the park’s character.
Such a penchant for design does not exclude the presence of children’s play areas, pétanque courts, bicycle parking places, table-tennis tables or areas for dogs.


Plants are the central attraction of this park. As soon as you arrive, you can see that its perimeter is separated from the outside by a bougainvillea hedge. Indigenous Mediterranean species prevail here, which helps them to acclimatise properly. There are about 1,000 trees, besides 35 palms, over 5,000 shrubs, a similar number of cactuses and succulent plants, nearly 11,000 climber plants, not to mention more than 1,400 herbaceous plants or 48 different aromatic species perfuming the park. All this vegetation is intended to provide a natural ceiling that lets the light through.

Art and Architecture

It has a water-storage and treatment tank that ensures all the park’s plants are drip-irrigated through a system which uses groundwater. Thanks to this system, each plant receives the water it needs to grow.

Landscaping and Design

The most amazing areas include the Cràter-pou del Món (Crater of the World), a spiral-shaped path surrounded by flowers, mostly bougainvilleas, which simulates a crater. Or the Nius i Pous dels Cels (Nests and Wells of the Skies): the nests here are spaces that invite visitors to come in for a rest, with climbing plants that provide a carpet, while the wells of the sky are metallic structures with a mesh covered in flowers and lianas.
Note too the Voltes i falgueres gegants (Giant Arches and Ferns), a space made up of a sequence of four plant arches that gradually diminish in height as they approach the “lunar passage”, a mountain that closes off the view of the park and which turns out to be the roof of the pneumatic waste-collection centre.
Other spaces worth seeing are Plaça de la Sardana, the Rams de Flors (Bouquets of Flowers), the Cabanes sota la Pluja (Huts under the Rain), the Illa sota la Cúpula (Island under the Dome), the Espais i Jardins Aromàtics (Aromatic Spaces and Gardens), the Túnel de Flors (Tunnel of Flowers) and the Troncs Pilones (Pylon Trunks).

  • Phone number
    Tel.: 010
  • Accessibility
    Accessible for people with physical disabilities
  • Titularity
    Public center
Av Diagonal, 130
Sant Martí
Provençals del Poblenou


Hora de tancament
aproximada, en funció de
l'horari solar (tanquen
quan es fa fosc, al capvespre)