"EMBOLIC" show

Parc de l'Estació del Nord

From 22/09/2024 to 24/09/2024

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Pau Palaus



Pau Palaus presents his show Embolic[Tangle]. The creator and performer in this new circus and clown showuses an endless rope to form the thread of a story that will catch everyone's attention right from the start.

At first glance, it seems a simple idea. Palaus wants to look at the audience and, above all, to listen to them. To go back to where it all started in order to play an interactive game with the fewest possible elements. The goal? To create a bond with viewers based on the clown's honesty and vulnerability.

Palaus uses the knots that gradually appear in the rope as a symbol for the tangle of thoughts and emotions that often invade us. Through play and laughter, both the tangles in the rope and those of our emotions are gradually removed.

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    Information: 010

Parc de l'Estació del Nord

Carrer de Nàpols, 70
el Fort Pienc


Occur on
Parc de l'Estació del Nord
