Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The right distance

I didn’t mind getting up early to wait for her on the corner with Vinyals and escort her to the underground. It was five, ten minutes, held back at every traffic light and, a few more...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo

If Diamante Trivallo had ever been told that she was going to spend a lifetime in the same job, she’d have been very upset. Luckily she wasn’t told. Diamante has always liked to have the...

Illustration © Sonia Alins

1. At the crack of dawn, when I go out on my motorbike, a long tailback forms at the exit to my town, between the Citroën garage and the motorway’s incline, but it doesn’t affect me: I...

Illustration © Eva Vázquez. A fish looks at its reflection in a fish tank from the outside. The inside the fish bowl features a cityscape and a boy on a bicycle.
Debbie and Humbert

Debbie and Humbert got married on the same day that Ibiza died. Carla found the turtle with her head inside her shell and her legs stretched out. Her friends from handball had...

Il·lustració d'uns micos en un parc vestits com científics © Ana Yael Zareceansky
The hundredth monkey effect

Similar: we see the little hands and little fingers (oh, the defining opposable thumb) and they seem so human. Then we look them in the eyes and the familiarity is complete. When we look...

Il·lustració d'una moto

Often the things we will remember all our lives creep up on us like that, halfway between the murmur of intuition and the yearning of a wish. There was a time when I wished for...

Sant Pau, part of our history and part of our soul

“If the hospital were taken away, it’d change Barcelona’s soul.” The first time I read those words, written by Doctor Josep Cornudella about the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, I...

Il·lustració © Mireia Zantop
Barcelona Lolita Casa

The clinic where I was born was turned into an old people’s home, then it became an empty space and finally it was squatted in and then cleared. But it hasn’t been knocked down.

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