SubjectEcology and environment

Since the mid-20th century, agriculture has undergone more transformations than in the last ten thousand years. It has gone from being a common good to becoming a commodity. Intensive...

Agri-food systems underpinned by the principles of ecological farming continue to grow far and wide across the planet, and 186 countries already implement regulated organic...

The growth of cities is paving over nature, encroaching on farmland and stoning agriculture. If, as numerous studies show, urbanisation processes are becoming less and less...

The school canteen purportedly plays a major role in the diet of children and teenagers, and is also said to be a tool for learning and education. But there is still little talk...

Barcelona tops the list of European cities with the highest car density, 5,844 per km2. Although the traffic is twice that of Madrid and five times that of Berlin or Amsterdam...

The coronavirus health emergency has made us see that the planet’s health and our health are inseparable. We must deglobalise the food system that is driving climate change, species...

Climate change is the major political, social and cultural challenge of our time, but it also constitutes a major challenge for science and technology. The City and Science Biennial,...

Paraules d’Arcadi [Arcadi’s Words] is his last book, which I have had the privilege of editing. A compendium of concepts to gain a better understanding of how this world works (...
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