View of a beach with palm trees and a group of people playing volleyball

Bathing season

Look up the swimming season calendar for Barcelona’s beaches and the services available during the busiest months. 

Smoke-free beaches

Barcelona is promoting the availability of smoke-free leisure spaces to protect the environment, preserve positive community life and protect people's health by banning smoking on all Barcelona beaches, except in beach bars and promenades.

A family wave at an aeroplane as they sit on the beach

Barcelona beach by beach

Find out about Barcelona’s various beaches, where they are, the facilities and services they offer, and any other information you need to choose the most suitable one.

People practicing yoga

Sport on the beach

Barcelona City Council is committed to promoting sports activities on beaches, under the measures provided for in the Blau Pavilion project, which are always environmentally friendly and compatible with all the other uses made of the city’s beaches. A decree governing the practice of sport is therefore coming into force to ensure the peaceful sharing of beaches by all users.

Adapted chair for swimming at the beach


Barcelona’s beaches are designed to facilitate access for people with reduced mobility. What’s more, some beaches also offer bathing assistance services. Learn more.

Beach Centre

Gen up on the activities and free services offered by the Beach Centre, the Barcelona coastline information centre.

Llevant beach area for city residents with dogs.

Area for city residents with dogs

Check out all the information on the area for city residents with dogs established during the high season at Barcelona’s Llevant beach.

Beaches without waste

This summer, the Zero Waste strategy is incorporated into the environmental policy of the beaches, with the use of the returnable glass given out at the beach bars.

Beaches as a natural space

Did you know that there is an artificial reef park submerged in front of Barcelona’s beaches? Find out about the seabed of the Barcelona coastline and the organisms that live there.

Historic beaches of Barcelona

History of the beaches

Discover how the sea has influenced Barcelona’s development: as the gateway to new cultures, as a trade route, and as a public recreation and culture hub since the 19th century.

Look-out point on the beach

Bathing safely

Look up recommendations and good practices to enjoy the beaches and bathe safely: lifeguard services, first aid posts, leisure spaces and much more.