Circ d’Ara Mateix, at the Mercat de les Flors

The Circ d’Ara Mateix is a celebration and showcase of contemporary circus. All the shows, which you can see at the Mercat de les Flors from 27 April to 10 May, spotlight the power of the body as a research tool of circus techniques, the body at risk, the manipulation of objects (tangible or intangible) and most of all, the desire to promote current circus.

24/04/2024 - 14:32 h - Culture and leisure Ajuntament de Barcelona

The Circ d’Ara Mateix, a space of peaceful coexistence that celebrates activities both indoors and in tents, is an invitation to resist, explore and allow yourself to be infected by the art of the body, the risk and the virtuosity of contemporary circus, thus hinting at the circus of tomorrow.

Les filles du Renard Pale: ‘Résiste’
Saturday 27 April at 6 pm in the Plaça de Margarida Xirgu
Opening show, a work for tightrope, visceral music, committed technique and a nervous tightrope walker.

Cia Doisacordes: ‘Cá entre nós’ (Here among us)
Saturday 27 April at 7 pm in the Sala Maria Aurèlia Capmany
A duet full of poetic images of two men who live together and develop a relationship via knots.

La Vispera + Cie + 7bis: ‘Fragmentos’ + ‘Instante’
Saturday 27 April at 8 pm in the Sala Pina Bausch
‘Fragmentos’ is a performance creation that examines pain and suffering with puppets, masks, video, circus and lighting. ‘Instante’ is inspired by Sufi dance and uses constant rotating movement as its raw material.

Rogelio Rivel Centre for Circus Arts: ‘Viu!’
In the lobby, 27 April at 5:15 pm, 28 April at 4:15 pm, 3 May at 6:15 pm, 4 and 5 May at 4:45 pm, 8 May at 6:15 pm, 10 May at 5:45 pm and 11 May at 5:15 pm.
This show by two emerging artists from the Rogelio Rivel Centre for Circus Arts is the outcome of the creative and stylistic diversity of its creators and performers.

La Vispera + Cie + 7 bis: ‘Fragmentos’ +’ Lontano’
Sunday 28 April at 6 pm in the Sala Pina Bausch
Lontano’ is a dizzying, unstoppable dance in which the Italian acrobat Marica Marinoni confronts and questions the limits of her own body with her Cyr wheel.

Wilbur: ‘Pensa en Wilbur’
Tuesday 30 April at 7 pm in the Sala Maria Aurèlia Capmany
Acrobatics, humour and risk, plenty of risk: that’s the only way Wilbur knows how to live.

Not Standing/ Alexander Vantournhout: ‘Foreshadow’
Friday 3 and Saturday 4 May at 8:30 pm in the Sala Maria Aurèlia Capmany
This work is an exploration of verticality, in which Vantournhout spotlights the theatre’s back wall and challenges not only notions of gravity, movement and spatiality but also pure potential.

Movedbymatter & Collectif Malunés: ‘Bitbybit’
Friday 3, Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 May at 7 pm in the Plaça de Margarida Xirgu
Kasper de Movedbymatter and the Bruyninckx brothers work with the classic circus technique called the Iron Jaw, in which the safety of each of them depends on the other.

Juan Carlos Pandur: ‘El patio’
Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 May at 5:30 pm in the Sala Pina Bausch
Poetry-circus in the process of creation that experiments with intimacy, desire and the power of language through acro-dance, hand-balancing, sound work and the use of the voice.

Andrea Salustri: ‘Materia’
Wednesday 8 May at 7 pm in the Sala Maria Aurèlia Capmany
This work explores the possibilities of a material, polystyrene, until it comes to life and becomes the star of what happens on-stage.

Compañia Los Putos Mákinas (LPM) – Le Chalumeau Production: ‘Petróleo’
Friday 10 May at 8 pm and Saturday 11 May at 6 pm in the Sala Maria Aurèlia Capmany
With the participation of Andrés Torres Días and Gonzalo Fernández Rodríguez. This show aims to be a living testimony of the study of the hoop and the exploration of the infinite possibilities afforded by this object.

Cia Palimsesta: ‘Masha’
Friday 10 May at 6:30 pm and Saturday 11 May at 8 pm in the Sala Pina Bausch
This circus is presented via a stage device: a piece of linoleum one metre wide by eight metres long covered with body oil, on which two bodies undertake a repertoire of movements.

All the tickets have different prices and can be purchased on their website. The opening show and the one by the Rogelio Rivel Centre for Circus Arts are free of charge.