Individual healthcare card (TSI)
What do you need to know?
The Spanish health system guarantees healthcare for everyone, even those who are not registered in the public Health System and have not requested the health card from their autonomous community’s health service. However, please note that individuals who receive healthcare without having registered in the Health System may have to pay for the healthcare received.
If you live in Barcelona, you must get the Individual Health Card (Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual, or TSI), which guarantees free healthcare for holders of the card through the Catalan Health Service (CatSalut).
The Individual Health Card (TSI) is necessary in order to have a family doctor, make an appointment and go to the health centre or public hospital and have access to subsidised medications, whether or not you have private insurance.
Since it is considered one of the best public healthcare systems in the world, having access to it makes it all the more worthwhile.

The TSI is individual, personal and non-transferable and, therefore, each family member must have his or her own card, regardless of age.
It is important for your daily life to have this card in order to ask for a family doctor to be assigned to you. If you fall ill or have an accident and have to take sick leave, the public healthcare system doctor is the only person authorised to certify it with a medical certificate.
In order to request medical certification to be absent from work due to illness and to return to work after illness, you must present your individual healthcare card at your primary healthcare centre.
It is important that the information on your individual healthcare card is correct. Therefore, if, when you first receive your individual healthcare card, you see an error in your personal details, you must report it.
Who does it apply to?
The card is for anyone who has established residence in any of the municipalities of Catalonia and has the right to healthcare.
The application must be submitted by the individual in person or by means of a duly accredited representative. However, it should be borne in mind that the application for the first individual healthcare card must be signed by the person applying for it.
What requirements must be met?
The individual healthcare card can be requested by individuals who meet any of the following requirements:
- Those who have established residence in any of the municipalities of Catalonia and have proof of status as an insured individual.
- Those who have established residence in any of the municipalities of Catalonia and are the beneficiary of an individual insured under the Social Security system.
- Foreigners who are not included in the two groups above, but meet the following requirements:
- They are registered in any municipality of Catalonia, for a continuous period of at least three months, immediately prior to submitting the request for access to healthcare.
- Can prove that they have an income lower than the minimum insertion income, except in the case of individuals who are considered to be in a special situation, in which case they will not have to prove this. Those considered to be in a special situation are:
- Pregnant women
- Minors
- Those seeking international protection
- Victims of human trafficking
- Other
How long is it valid for?
In general, the individual healthcare card has no expiry date and, therefore, CatSalut does not regularly send cards for this reason.
Individual health cards only expire in the case of second-level CatSalut Access coverage, for foreigners who have established residence in any municipality of Catalonia, are not insured under, nor are beneficiaries of, the National Health System, and do not have mandatory coverage through other means. In these cases, the card must be renewed yearly at the request of the interested party. This includes members of any group that has a specific agreement with CatSalut, as well as individuals that due to the nature of their work will only be in Catalonia for a specific period of time.
Can I include my family?
You can add beneficiaries so they can access the right to healthcare.
However, the card is individual, personal and non-transferable, and each member of the family, regardless of their age, must have their individual health card. As such, you must request it for any minors you have included as beneficiaries.
What do you need to do?
You or a duly accredited representative can go in person to the primary healthcare centre (CAP) where you live, or carry out the procedure remotely.
The procedure may vary depending on your situation: you may need to have previously registered with the residents’ register in one of the municipalities of Catalonia and have submitted your petition for recognition of the right to healthcare:
- If you are part of the Social Security System, you don’t need to request the right to healthcare, as this right is automatically recognised the day after you join the system.
- The inclusion of an insured individual’s beneficiaries must be processed beforehand.
- Foreigners who do not have insured status or beneficiary status must request the healthcare card through the Access to second-level CatSalut procedure online or in person at the CAP, after first having requested the recognition of their right to healthcare through the appropriate channels.
- Find more information about the procedures you must carry out for the petion for recognition of healthcare and the inclusion or modification of beneficiaries.
What steps must you follow?
- Find the primary healthcare centre (CAP) for where you live using the CAP search engine by address (zip code).
- Go to the CAP to request your health card in person.
- Check and prepare the documents that will be required at the CAP to carry out the procedure.
- You don’t have to make an appointment, but you can do so by calling the 061 Salut Respon line.
- Go to your CAP and submit the documents. You can indicate the address where you want to receive the individual health card, or request for it to be sent to you at the CAP.
- Receive the card (TSI) at your home by ordinary post within two to three weeks.
- Please note that after receiving the individual health card, you must request the assignment of a family doctor at the CAP.
- You may request the first individual health card (TSI) through the relevant channels on the CatSalut website.
- Access the procedure for obtaining the first Individual Health Card or Access to second-level CatSalut, depending on whether or not you are an insured individual or beneficiary.
- Select “Form for requesting an Individual Health Card online” and “Request Individual Health Card online”
- Fill in the information requested.
- Provisional receipt: you will be emailed a provisional receipt with an assigned personal identification code (CIP), which will enable you to access the public healthcare system's centres and services.
- By sending your individual healthcare card application you are authorising the Servei Català de la Salut to consult data from other authorities or public organisations for administrative purposes.
- You can indicate the address where you want to receive the individual health card, or request for it to be sent to you at the CAP.
- Receive the card by ordinary post within two to three weeks.
- Please note that after receiving the individual health card, you must request the assignment of a family doctor at the CAP.
What documentation is required?
You can authorise CatSalut to consult your information, held by other bodies, online, or bring the following documents:
- Completed and signed application form.
- Specific documentation for insured individuals and beneficiaries of social security who are entitled to all the public benefits and cover offered by CatSalut.
- Identity document (Spanish national identity document (DNI), identity number for foreign nationals (NIE) or passport).
- Certificate of registration in the municipal register with an issue date of less than three months before. (There are councils that offer online consultation, but if your council does not offer this service, you must bring the original certificate.)
- A photocopy of the document proving membership of a social security scheme (INSS), MUFACE, MUGEJU or ISFAS, of the holder.
- Specific documentation for foreign nationals who cannot provide evidence of being insured or beneficiaries of social security:
- Document issued by the Spanish National Social Security Institute (INSS) that proves that you do not have the status of an insured individual or beneficiary of social security.
- Identity document (identity number for foreign nationals (NIE) or passport).
- Family register or birth certificate, if necessary.
- Certificate or sworn declaration attesting that your income is less than the minimum insertion income (it is not necessary for people in special situations to present these documents).
How long does it take?
The card will be sent to your home address by ordinary mail within two to three weeks.
What does it cost?
The application is completely free.
Replacement cards cost €10.
Want to know more?
Body responsible for the formality
Department of Health from Catalan Government.
Further information
- If you have any queries and you are in Catalonia, you can call 061 (CatSalut Respon). If you are calling from abroad, you must call 933 038 158, where they will also help you in English.
- Go to Catalan Health Service (CatSalut) website.
Important linked formalities
Formalities to be carried out prior to submitting the application for the individual healthcare card: