Barcelona Metròpolis 124 - Un futur incert
Digital technologies, the new driving force behind Barcelona’s economy

Thanks to the confirmation in July of the city as the permanent home of the Mobile World Congress, Barcelona is enhancing its appeal as a development hub for the technology...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureSmart, sustainable and ethical cities

Artificial intelligence systems will become more and more affordable, will become a key decision-making factor and will facilitate the management of urban complexity. The major challenge...

Imatge d'una maqueta d'un cervell fet amb filferros a l'exposició Cervell(s) al CCCB. © Martí E. Berenguer
A fascinating journey into the brain

Despite having the most intricate map of the brain to date, how it works continues to generate many philosophical and scientific mysteries. The exhibition Brain(s) invites us to...

Retrat de Mara Dierssen. © Álex Losada
“There are no neurobiological reasons for discrimination”

Mara Dierssen

Mara Dierssen is a neurobiologist and one of the country’s major communicators of popular science. She studies the human brain, and, more specifically, learning, memory and what...

La directora Neus Ballús (a l’esquerra) i la muntadora Ariadna Ribas (a la dreta) amb els premis Gaudí que van rebre per la pel·lícula Sis dies corrents. © Acadèmia del Cinema Català - Manu de León / White Horse
Women in the audiovisual industry. Flash in the pan or rising trend

The number of female filmmakers has been burgeoning in the past few years. The presence of female directors, screenwriters, producers, and so on, is growing in the audiovisual...

Barcelona Metròpolis 123 - Bretxes digitals
Digital dividesMunicipal policies for digital inclusion

Faced with the need to leave no one behind, cities are giving impetus to projects that advocate for digital inclusion, facilitating access to new technologies and their use. To...

Il·lustració. © Laura Watcher
Digital dividesInvisible barriers to education

The digital divide extends beyond access to technologies and basic knowledge of how they work. The most invisible divide concerns uses. Education in digitisation must support people to...

Barcelona Metròpolis 123 - Bretxes digitals
Tropical nights, torrid nights, a new climate risk

One of the indicators of climate change is the rise in temperature, which increases the risk of mortality in the elderly or those suffering from chronic diseases. Heat waves will...

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