Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicThe new city emerging: a public health perspective

The spring of 2020 will be remembered as the spring of Covid-19, a time that has forced us to stop, to take preventive measures and to live alone in a connected world. The lockdown has...

Retrat de Belén Funes © Curro Palacios Taberner
“I wanted to show the Barcelona of those who have a harder time of it”

Belén Funes

Belén Funes is a film director. Her first film, La hija de un ladrón (A Thief’s Daughter), has garnered, among other accolades, the Goya Award for Best New...

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicAn opportunity for change

It is not by chance that the pandemic has especially hit big cities like Barcelona. Open to the world, its power of attraction and connectivity have made the city more fragile. We must...

Diverses famílies participen en un taller de dibuix. © Marc Gómez
Experiencing culture

Participar en la vida cultural va més Engaging in cultural life goes beyond attending any of the paying or free activities that the city offers. The Barcelona...

© Paola de Grenet
The Land Use Plan for Ciutat Vella: Protecting community life

Since 1992, different Land Use Plans have been implemented in Ciutat Vella to regulate economic activities and urban planning licences. The most recent one, approved...

A dalt, interior de la Biblioteca Agustí Centelles i un artista pinta un grafitti en una paret. A sota, grup de persones passejant en bicicleta davant del mural sobre la SIDA de Keith Haring a l'exterior del MACBA i una dona mirant una exposició.
Isn’t culture for me? Diversity and inequalities in cultural participation

The two key words in the first survey on cultural participation and needs in Barcelona are diversity and inequality. The survey reveals that the desire to take part...

Llibre: El carrer Montcada, Albert García Espuche
500 years of life on Carrer Montcada

In La gent del carrer Montcada [The People of Montcada Street], Albert Garcia Espuche reflects five hundred years of life on one of Barcelona’s most iconic...

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicAntivirals for the new political times

The coronavirus pandemic, despite the economic impact that many predict, will not generate a widespread crisis of disaffection such as the one triggered by the Great Recession if...

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