Una dona estén el braç endavant i obre la mà amb un gest de stop. A la mà hi té dibuixat el símbol de dona en color lila. © Arianna Giménez.
Let’s embrace the debate and broaden our perspective

It was not so long ago that we referred to “crimes of passion” and the Spanish Civil Code enforced “the duty of marital obedience”. We have dispelled the stereotype...

Retrat de Fina Birulés © Camilla de Maffei
“Barcelona fulfils all the conditions to be the equivalent of Boston in Europe”

Luis Serrano

Few scientists can claim to have published three articles in the same issue of Science Magazine. The biochemist Luis Serrano is one of them. Specialising in...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesVulnerable beings, violated lives

Western industrial culture has accomplished major achievements in recent centuries, such as finding the cure to many once-fatal diseases or the sharp rise in life expectancy. The problem...

Llibre: Barcelona feminista 1975-1988. Isabel Segura Soriano
I am an adulteress, too

Her name was María Ángeles Muñoz and she was the cause of the rebellious catchphrase of solidarity a multitude of women also adopted: ‘I am an adulteress, too”. This...

Barcelona’s ring roads and some of the major highways connecting with Catalonia’s northern regions come together at the interchange of La Trinitat.
Barcelona, urban borders

There are an infinite number of borders in Barcelona. Social borders, that separate our ways of life and the possibilities they have to offer (the ‘Upper Diagonal’...

Open cityRefugee cities: an alternative?

Just as borders are accepted as an inevitable part of our reality, it seems increasingly difficult to imagine a migration policy that doesn’t involve an unyielding defence of the...

Participants al concurs de travestits Miss Barri Xino de 1934, imatge reproduïda al llibre La Criolla. La puerta dorada del Barrio Chino.
Return to China Town

Historia y leyenda del Barrio Chino (The History and Legends of China Town) (La Campana, 1966), by Paco Villar, is a singular book to which this return to...

Retrat de Josep Maria Antó © Pere Virgili
“Our health and that of the environment go together”

Josep Maria Antó, Director of Science at the Barcelona Institute of Global Health

A sword of Damocles hangs over the head of today's generations: the deterioration of the environment and climate change. The impact on human health of all this...

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