Parking for tourist buses reorganised around the Sagrada Família

The reorganisation of parking spaces assigned for tourist buses has reduced the number of places from 17 to 13, relocating three of them in C/ Marina. The measure responds to demands from local people. The reconfiguration of bus parking spaces has enabled a two-way bike lane to be created on the road surface in C/ Marina, in the section between Diputació and Consell de Cent, replacing the one that ran along the pavements.

Grup de turistes apropant-se a la Sagrada Família.
28/02/2024 - 10:55 h - Mobility and transport Ajuntament de Barcelona

The changes in the bus parking area helps free up pavements which are often used by local residents and facilitate a clearer route for coaches wishing to reach the Sagrada Família.

The measure included:

  • Eliminating seven parking spaces, five in C/ Padilla and two in C/ Consell de Cent.
  • Creating three parking spaces in C/ Marina, between C/ Diputació and C/ Consell de Cent, where pavements are wider.

The goal is to respond to the demands of local people and the Sagrada Família residents’ association.